We are an intentionally diverse religious community, actively engaged in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. All people are welcome, without regard to age, race, national origin, ableness, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We embrace freedom of belief for those beliefs that are unknowable and unprovable, with our members holding a …..
Living Our Mission
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Our Beliefs
We are an intentionally diverse religious community, welcoming all people without regard to age, race, national origin, ableness, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We embrace freedom of belief for those beliefs that are unknowable and unprovable, with our members holding a variety of beliefs about the existence of God, what happens to us …..

Sermons – Listen Online
We record our sermons every Sunday, so that anyone who missed can listen, and anyone who wants to listen again has the option to do so. The audio of every Sunday sermon is thus posted below, usually by Wednesday the following week. The entire archive of our sermon history is available as well, so you can …..

Our Mission & Vision
Our mission: “Exploring faith. Practicing inclusivity. Living justice.” Our vision: “We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Muncie, are a church family, relating to one another with love, kindness, fellowship, humility, joy and generosity. We encourage open, lifelong religious exploration, drawing upon reason, spirituality, and curiosity. We strengthen one another, offering acceptance, nourishment, and mutual support. We welcome …..

Our History
The Unitarians and the Universalists were two separate Christian denominations with a long history in the United States, going all the way back to the 1600 and 1700’s. The Unitarians derived their name from being primarily identified theologically as believing in the unity of god, as opposed to the more common Christian doctrine of the …..
Recent Posts

Thoughts on Waiting “Alone Together”
We wait for whatever will come—which we do not yet know— “alone together,” as one recent columnist put it. While we are waiting, we absolutely must distance ourselves physically in order to flatten the curve and help lessen the likelihood our health care system will be overwhelmed. Doing so also helps protect each of us, …..

Pelican Island Wisdom
One of the joys of the house in Florida where Tom and I live for a few weeks in the winter is that it is less than a mile from the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). We were there one afternoon in February and I again admired the boardwalk that had been constructed to …..

Crawling Out of the Funk
Shortly after we arrived in Florida, I found myself in a funk, oddly enough. The trip down had gone more smoothly than usual, no bad weather nor significant traffic jams. Things were mostly unpacked, and I’d fixed the disorganized mess that I found the kitchen in, at least enough that I could get a meal …..