Forms and other types of information of interest to members and friends of the church are available here.
Quicklink Menu
- Directory Update Form
- Pledging Information
- Publicity
- Publicity Request Form
- Pulpit Announcement Request Form
- Standing Committees
Church Directory Update
Our church directory helps us all keep in touch and facilitates the good work we do in the world. To update your information in our church directory, or provide it for the first time, please use the Directory Update Form.
We typically publish an updated print version of the directory in August each year. We also update our digital version of the directory throughout the year as new information comes – if you would like an electronic copy of most recent version of the directory sent to you, please e-mail your request to
Pledge Form
To make your pledge for the 2025-26 Stewardship Campaign (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026) you have 2 options:
- Download and fill out the 2025-26 Pledge Form and return it to the church office.
- Submit your pledge today via the 2025-26 Online Pledge Form.
To make a pledge to support HVAC Capital Campaign you have 2 options:
- Download and fill out the HVAC Pledge Form and return it to the church office.
- Submit your pledge today via the HVAC Online Pledge Form.
Automatic Pledge Payments
Once you’ve filled out and submitted your pledge, you have the option to set up your pledge payments to be automatically deducted from your bank account every month.
To auto-deduct your pledge payments for the 2024-25 Stewardship Campaign (fiscal year: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025), please download and return the 2024-25 Pledge Debit Form.
If you have any questions or concerns about pledge forms or pledge auto-deducting, please contact
Beyond the Pledge Drive: Planned Giving at UUCM
We encourage you to consider leaving a gift to the church in your will, and if you have made such a plan, you can let the church know by using this form. You could designate how you would like your gift to be used; maybe you want to add to an existing fund, or you have another purpose in mind. You could have a conversation with board members or our minister to understand what our future needs might be, and the list of our current endowments may help you make these decisions.
Our church offers many programs and events over the course of the year, and attendance is very often directly proportional to the amount and number of different ways you have publicized said program/event. Increasingly, it is vital you publicize your event in multiple formats, so we suggest using all of the formats available to you below.
To publicize your event, utilize the:
1) Publicity Request Form – Using this form, you can submit requests for the Friday eBlast, the Order of Service announcements section, and the public UUCM Facebook page (for events and programs of interest to and inclusive of the larger community).
2) Pulpit Announcement Request Form – Submit a Pulpit Announcement Request for the Sunday before your event, and, if your event or program is on a Sunday, a second Pulpit Announcement Request for that Sunday.
3) UUCM Facebook Group – Post your announcement yourself to the UUCM Facebook Group. Anyone who is a member of the page can post themselves. If you’re not on Facebook, find a member of your committee or program who is and have them do this.
NOTE: Unigram submissions should still be sent to Check out the Publication Guidelines for details.
Standing Committees
To view a list of the Standing Committees of the church, a brief description of their function, and the name of the current chairperson, click here.