Guest preacher Nic Cable explores the wonderful gift of prophetic imagination, as we continue to strive to make the world a more compassionate and just place for all.
Rev. Dennis McCarty, will share his thoughts on “The Beauty of Change.” Growing up, Rev. McCarty wanted to be a novelist, not a minister. Yet in pursuing his dream career, he later learned, he was preparing for ministry without even knowing it. Life is full of changes, which hardly ever turn out the way we expect. Rev. McCarty will explain how this can be a good thing. Rev. Dennis McCarty was born in western Colorado, but came to Indiana to serve the UU Congregation of Columbus, Indiana. He is now their Minister Emeritus. Over the years he has written novels, nonfiction books, plays, and magazine articles as well as songs. (He occasionally presents a one-person version of his play, Servetus: the Radical Reformed Musical.) Right now he is putting the finishing touches on his latest book, Monuments: One Atheist’s Tour of Time, Culture, and Meaning. He blogs at the Thoughts from a Gentle Atheist website:
Start your New Year off with an opportunity to reflect on the past year and what it means to you for the year to come. Take home a reminder of your reflection.
I’ve been an “insider/outsider” in every religious group I’ve ever been in. I imagine that applies to most of us, to varying extents. Many of us find here in the woods a community that is a good fit. No matter how good a fit a faith community is for us, however, we won’t always agree with what’s done or with decisions that are made. What does it mean to remain faithful to our community when we disagree? What resources can we draw on to enable us to “stay at the table” with integrity and authenticity in the face of our disagreements? Come explore and reflect on your own journey.