Rev. Bruce Russell-Jayne – “A Father’s Blessing” (June 16, 2019)

What can a father give his children besides his DNA? A nurturing and guiding father can help children create meaning from their lives and experience a degree of peace. A father can help his children find strength and direction for their future. To receive good fathering is a blessing. (And, fathering can come from all kinds of people.)
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Dr. Joel Tishken – “Routing Around in Our Ashes” (May 19, 2019)

All of our lineages have experienced moments of trauma that altered the lives of our ancestors and scorched our family tree. What might we find among those ashes that could be meaningful for us today? Together we’ll have a celebration of Lithuanian culture (Šventė Lietuvos kultūros) to illustrate one such journey of ancestral rediscovery.     Due to technical difficulties, the audio of this sermon was not captured.  See below to read the text of the sermon.  
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Rev. Julia Corbett-Hemeyer – “Strong at the Heart” (April 28, 2019)

April brings with it a focus on both child abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention. Today’s sermon will look specifically at the spiritual harm these kinds of violence do to their survivors, and what can facilitate spiritual healing. I will tell some survivor stories, although not graphically. Be aware, however, that some things in this sermon may trigger you. Be aware of how you’re feeling and do what you need to do to stay safe. I’m always available to talk, as are our Pastoral Associates and our Sabbatical Minister, Joel Tishken.
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