Juno Farnsworth – “Science and Spirituality” (July 28, 2018)

Science is full of prophetic men and women - people who have changed our lives and our outlook in many ways. Though it is never fully possible to separate their works from each other, we will focus on the life and words of Stephen Hawking as we explore the ways science can also be a spiritual experience.
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Denise Wilson and Michael Lewis (Traveler’s Dream) – “Voices for the Earth: Prophets, Poets, and Everyday People” (July 20, 2018)

The earth is a living being in distress, and her suffering will increasingly become our own.  Our planet needs us to help heal its body, to bring it back to wholeness so that all of Earth’s creatures – including our children and grandchildren – will enjoy the beauty and blessings she provides.  This service will shine a light on the modern-day prophets, spiritual ecologists, creative souls, and everyday people who are ringing bells of alarm for the danger we are facing.   Visit Traveler's Dream at http://www.travelersdream.net
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Joel Tishken – “The Lessons of Risk” (May 27, 2018)

What do we gain from taking a risk? Whether the outcomes of a risk go as we planned, go differently than planned, or any combinations between, there are always lessons that can be gained when we take risks. Join with us as we reflect on lessons we gained from risks taken.
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Rev. Julia Corbett-Hemeyer: “The Jagged Journey (or, How I Became a UU)” (January 7, 2018)

The “condensed books” version of how and why I became a UU is fairly straightforward. The reality is more complicated. Come reflect with me as I weave together several voices that nourished my jagged journey to this place. I expect similar voices have nourished many of our journeys as well. Our support for a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning” and “encouragement to spiritual growth” provides an excellent setting in which each of us can create a spirituality that is our own and that responds to who we are as growing, changing human beings. Trigger warning: My spiritual journey has been shaped in part by my childhood experiences of abuse. I will mention this, although not in detail, in the sermon.  
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Joel Tishkin: Lessons from Circular Time (December 31, 2017)

The New Year is a time in our calendar when we think circularly – connecting our past year, to the present moment, to the future year about to unfold. What are the benefits of thinking circularly? How might we use circular time more often in our lives? Together we’ll think “outside of the box,” composed of straight lines, and instead think inside the circle.    
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