The bird is an intriguing metaphor appearing in many religious traditions, stories, songs and legends. We have long been fascinated by (or sometimes afraid of) the winged creatures. What lessons can we learn through the lives of birds?
Pastor Katie Culbert is a graduate from Meadville Lombard Theological School, where she received two graduation awards: Leadership in Religious Education and Excellence in Preaching. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in Religious Studies. She served as Intern Minister for two years in Sarasota, Florida, where she was ordained in 2016. She was the Director of Religious Education at the UU church of Tampa for seven years and has worked as a Chaplain at Tampa General Hospital for seven years. Katie has been involved in many social justice campaigns including working to increase the minimum wage and creating common sense gun legislation. Katie lives in Tampa with her two children Desi, 14 and Casey, 13 and their rescued pit bull, Mickey. Her interests are music, nature and praying for the pandemic to end because people need hugs.