So much of our world seems upended right now. Our government may not be what we had always thought, forests are burning, and even the terms with which we shape our justice priorities as a faith tradition are constantly shifting. We are in a period of deconstruction and it is uncomfortable while holding so much potential for generativity. We’ll discuss what gives us hope and direction as we put into place foundations for how to begin the next phase of reconstruction – in our individual lives, our faith, and our world.
The Rev. Sarah Gettie McNeill serves our Unitarian Universalist Association from her home in Bloomington, Indiana. Born and bred a Hoosier from rural Southern Indiana, Sarah Gettie was raised in the conservative Christian church before finding UUism after a long journey through many cultures and religions. After receiving her MDiv from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, she has spent her ministry in hospital chaplaincy and religious education and now serves as the Professional Development Programs Manager at the UUA. In this role, she has the absolute joy of accompanying music leaders and religious educators through professional credentialing, certification, and growth. She lives with her partner, Landon (a professor at IU’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs), two sons, Elijah (7) and Lucas (3.5), and two felines, Kitsie and Cuzco – a kitten, all of whom make for a very lively household!