Children and Youth

Youth RE classes start at 9:30, and the 10:45 service is all-ages. Adult RE options are available each week, but grownups are always welcome to attend RE classes with their youth.

Children’s RE classes begin in the Yellow classroom for our weekly lesson. After the lesson and closing words, the group will move to the Blue classroom for a snack, fellowship, and playtime. Adults may pick up their youth from the Blue classroom before moving to the sanctuary together.

There are multiple places in the sanctuary for alternative seating- there is a  rug for those that want a soft place to sit, or a play tent for those that need a quiet or cozy spot. We also have several tables to accommodate groups. Coloring pages, puzzles, and quiet toys are available to anyone who wants or needs them.

Childcare is available in the Nursery from 9:30-12:30 for children 3 and under. 

If you have questions about Lifespan Religious Education, contact