Sexuality Education


We believe lifespan, age-appropriate sexuality education is an important part of a healthy religious and spiritual life.  Unitarian Universalism celebrates our bodies and our experiences in our bodies, and considers sexuality a healthy and normal part of life.

We thus offer Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education, or OWL for short, for Grades K-2, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 on a rotating basis and based on demand. This popular sexuality education program moves beyond the intellect to address the attitudes, values, and feelings that youth have about themselves and the world. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information about sexuality.

A complete description of the OWL curriculum is available here. If you are interested in any of the Our Whole Lives programs, please contact us at or (765) 288-9561.


Questions & Answers

What is OWL?

OWL is an expanded and updated series of sexuality education curricula developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. It is a comprehensive program that addresses sexuality throughout the human lifespan, with programs for age groups ranging from Kindergarten through adults. The program provides accurate information for children, families, and parents to learn about sexuality in the affirming and supportive setting of our religious communities.

Why OWL?

OWL is a ministry! Our Whole Lives is about much more than just anatomy and health. It is about values, respect, emotions, and justice, too. It is about the sacred aspects of sexuality, which is part of the miracle of creation. This is why we teach OWL in church- because sexuality is sacred, and sexuality education is ministry. OWL helps participants develop and articulate their religious and sexual values and it helps participants make informed, responsible, healthy decisions based on those values.

Who is leading the class?

The OWL facilitators are chosen for their comfort and/or skills in working with the OWL age groupings, their dedication to Unitarian Universalist values, and their willingness to make such a big commitment. They have completed the required course sponsored by the UUA for OWL facilitators, and have had criminal background checks.

How much does this cost?

Fees depend upon the number of meetings, supplies, whether food is provided, etc. The following are typical ranges. The fee for the K-2 grade OWL program ranges from $35-55 per child. The fee for the 4-6 grade OWL program ranges from $45-65 per child. The fee for the 7th-9th grade OWL program ranges from $70-90 per child.  The fee for the 10th-12th grade OWL program ranges from $100-125 per child. We do not want the cost to prohibit any student from participating, so please contact the Director of Religious Education if you are concerned about the fee.

How often will this program be offered?

We attempt to offer K-2, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 OWL programming on a rotational basis. If there are enough interested families, programming may be offered earlier. If there are not enough interested families, programming may be skipped. 

Will I know what my child is learning?

The parent orientations will cover most of what your child/children will be learning. You have the opportunity to review all materials beforehand to ensure you are comfortable with the lessons.

Are the class discussions confidential?

Yes. All discussions in class are confidential unless something life-threatening is revealed. We will work to encourage open communication between you and your teen, but we recognize that teens are often reluctant to talk with their parents about sexuality. To encourage our youth to grow and trust the group, confidentiality is imperative.

Why is the Parent Orientation mandatory?

Since we consider parents to be the most important sexual educators for their children, it is very important that they know what the OWL lessons will be covering. This is the chance where parents can review all of the materials and ask the facilitators questions to ensure their comfort about the program. We want all parents to be fully informed before they give permission for their child to participate.