Feeding Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force
Our first task force, called Feeding Our Hungry Neighbors, is an example of building upon several already well-established programs in this area. Our hope is to further strengthen and expand those programs and to increase their visibility and staying power. The needs of our hungry neighbors in Muncie and Delaware Co. are, indeed, great and on the rise. Here are some of our congregation’s efforts to eliminate hunger and improve nutrition in our community.

Helping at Second Harvest Food Bank Warehouse
On the third Monday of every month, UUCM members and friends volunteer from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at the Second Harvest Food Bank Warehouse. We do whatever needs to be done that morning, from bagging apples to sorting through donated groceries. It’s all in an effort to help prepare donated food for distribution to those who are food-insecure. MLK Day of Service is a particularly popular day to volunteer, and a large number of UUs turn up to lend a hand. For more information, contact Susan Taylor (susantaylor68@hotmail.com).
Every. Single. Sunday. Food Drive
In an effort to help the food insecure within the friends and members of our own church community, we bring items to donate to our food pantry Every. Single. Sunday. Baskets are available on the way into the sanctuary before the service to receive your donations of canned or shelf-stable food goods, as well as toiletry items and cleaning products. Our youth bring these donations forward during our church service as a reminder of how we live out our social justice ideals.
Show you care! When you shop each week, please add some of these to your cart:
- Proteins – peanut butter, canned chicken or tuna, canned beans
- Fruit – peaches, pears, applesauce
- Vegetables – yams, green beans
- Carbohydrates – pasta mixes (complete meals), corn muffin mixes
- Toiletries – shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, toilet tissue, laundry and dish soap in small containers, razors
Wondering when we do this? It’s Every. Single. Sunday.