Membership in our community begins the first time you walk in the door, inasmuch as we hope you feel welcomed and like you belong from the moment you enter. Our mission statement calls us to “practice inclusivity,” and we do our best to make sure everyone feels welcome in our liberal religious home – including you.
If you decide to come back, we hope that each visit helps you feel a little bit more like a part of this community. There is a lot more that happens here than just Sunday mornings, and so we encourage you to come to some of our other regular church gatherings, such as Body Life, our multi-generational potluck dinner held on Tuesday evenings at 6pm. If you sing, the choir is a great place to get to know people; if you’re a young adult, you might consider an outing with our Young Adult Group; or you might starting going to one of our adult education offerings.
If you come regularly, we would encourage you at some point to attend our “Roots & Wings – Introduction to UUCM” class. At this time, the course is offered occasionally. The course is advertised in the Unigram, eBlast and announcement section of the Order of Service. Roots & Wings offers a brief primer on our history, our theology, and more.
Once you’ve been coming for a little while and have begun to feel more connected, and perhaps even consider yourself a “lower case m” member of the community, you might be interested in becoming an official Member of the church. To become a member you must:
- expresses sympathy with the Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association and be willing to support and advance the purpose of our church
- be at least 16 years of age
- sign the membership book
- make a financial pledge to the church and make a good-faith effort to pay
- contribute to the life of the church through sharing your time and skills
- attend church services and activities
When you’re ready to become a “capital M” official Member of the church, keep an eye out for advertising for the next New Member Joining Ceremony. We’d prefer you have attended a Roots & Wings session before you join, but if you can’t make one of those sessions and would still like to join, or if you’ve previously been a long-term member at another Unitarian Universalist congregation, please contact us at to set up an appointment prior to joining.
Members of our church (both lower case and capital) share together the trials and tribulations of our day-to-day lives, as well as the joys and excitements. We support and encourage one another on our communal journey of religious growth and exploration. We love and accept each other just the way we are.
We hope you’ll consider joining us!